Status | PI/Co-I | Funder/Title | End Date |
Active | Hill | Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA): Human Trafficking Screening Tool for Law Enforcement | 9/30/2026 |
Active | Hill | FMCSA: Education on US Commercial Vehicle Regulations Domestic and International Drivers | 9/30/2026 |
Active | Hill/Moran | California Department of Transportation (Caltrans): Exploratory Analysis of Fatigue and Drowsiness of Regional Railroad Employees (Bay Area) | 8/30/2026 |
Active | Hill | Office of Traffic Safety (OTS): Statewide Traffic Safety Education and Training | 9/30/2025 |
Active | Hill | OTS: Safe Driving for Native American Youth | 9/30/2025 |
Active | Hill/Moran | FMCSA: Use of Real-Time Driver Alerts to Improve CMV Safety | 9/30/2025 |
Active | Moran/Hill | FMCSA: Use of Artificial Intelligence-Supported Cameras to Improve CMV Safety | 9/30/2025 |
Active | Hill/Moran | Caltrans: Research on Railroad Trespassing and Its Causes and Means to Prevent It | 4/30/2025 |
Completed | Hill | FMCSA: Improving CMV Safety and Compliance through Online and Live Instruction | 9/30/2024 |
Completed | Hill | FMCSA: California Substance Use Safety and Compliance Summit | 9/30/2024 |
Completed | Hill | OTS: Statewide Traffic Safety Education and Training | 9/30/2024 |
Completed | Hill | AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety: Strategies to Educate the Public and Correct Misunderstandings about Cannabis Use and Impaired Driving | 8/31/2024 |
Completed | Hill/Moran | Caltrans: Exploratory Analysis of Fatigue and Drowsiness of Regional Railroad Employees (Southern CA) | 6/30/2024 |
Completed | Hill | National Institude of Health/National Institude of Aging: Decision Making Among Older Adults - the AUTO Study | 4/30/2024 |
Completed | Hill | Department of Cannabis Control (DCC): Impact 64 | 11/30/2023 |
Completed | Hill | OTS: Statewide Traffic Safety Education and Training | 9/30/2023 |
Completed | Hill | AAA Foundation for Driving Safety: Older Driver Cohort Study | 12/31/2022 |
Completed | Hill | OTS: Statewide Traffic Safety Education and Training | 9/30/2022 |
Completed | Hill | FMCSA: Reducing Distracted Driving in Commercial Drivers Across the Nation | 9/30/2022 |
Completed | Hill | OTS: Statewide Education and Training on Traffic Safety Curriculum | 9/30/2021 |
Completed | Hill | OTS: Statewide Traffic Safety Curriculum Development, Education and Training | 9/30/2020 |
Completed | Hill | UCOP ITS: Institutes for Transportation Studies: Multiple Road-User-Role (mRUR) Drivers: The Impact of Predominant RUR on Road Sharing Behaviors | 8/31/2020 |
Completed | Hill | OTS: Statewide Traffic Safety Curriculum Development, Education and Training | 9/30/2019 |
Completed | Hill | UCOP ITS: Institutes for Transportation Studies: Simulator Based Study of Distracted Driving | 8/31/2019 |
Completed | Hill | OTS: Statewide Traffic Safety Curriculum Development and Training | 9/30/2018 |
Completed | Hill | OTS: Interventions to Reduce Distracted Driving | 9/30/2017 |
Completed | Hill | OTS: Education and Social Media Messaging Initiatives to Promote Sober Driving Among Youth | 9/30/2017 |
Completed | Hill | OTS: Training Professionals to Promote Older Driver Safety | 9/30/2017 |
Completed | Hill | UCOP ITS: Pilot Grant Institute for Transportation Studies: Screening for Driving Disorders in Memory Clinics | 6/30/2017 |
Completed | Hill | OTS: Training Professionals to Promote Older Driver Safety | 9/30/2016 |
Completed | Hill | OTS: Defensive Walking: Education for Pedestrians | 9/30/2016 |
Completed | Hill | OTS: Interventions to Reduce Cell Phone Distracted Driving | 9/30/2016 |
Completed | Hill | OTS: Worksite Intervention to Reduce Cell Phone Distracted Driving | 9/30/2015 |
Completed | Hill | OTS: Training Professionals to Promote Older Driver Safety | 9/30/2015 |
Completed | Hill | OTS: Worksite Intervention to Reduce Cell Phone Distracted Driving | 9/30/2014 |
Completed | Hill | OTS: Training Professionals to Promote Older Driver Safety | 9/30/2014 |
Completed | Hill | OTS: Training Professionals to Promote Older Driver Safety | 9/30/2013 |
Completed | Hill | OTS: Training Health and Law Enforcement Professionals on Older Driver Safety | 9/30/2012 |
Completed | Hill | OTS: Training Health Professionals on Age-Related Driving Disorders | 9/30/2011 |
Completed | Hill | OTS: Law Enforcement Training on Age-Related Driving Disorders | 9/30/2011 |
Completed | Hill | OTS: Health Professional Training for Age-Related Driving-Disorders | 9/30/2010 |
Completed | Hill | OTS: Screening for Age Related Driving Disorders in the Hospital Setting | 9/30/2009 |
Completed | Hill | OTS: Driving Safety Screening for Health Care Providers | 9/30/2006 |
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