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Law Enforcement

Law enforcement plays a critical role in maintaining safety on the roadways. TREDS offers two online courses that address issues relevant to the duties of first responders. One course assists with the recognition of disorientation in aging drivers; the second addresses distracted driving in the patrol vehicle.

Improving Older Driver Safety

Age-related driving impairment is a growing public safety problem. As people age, medical conditions affecting vision, hearing, strength, and cognition can impact one’s ability to drive safely. Law enforcement plays a key role in identifying and referring medically impaired drivers to the DMV for reexamination. Click below to access a POST-certified course that addresses this issue.

Reducing Distracted Driving in the Patrol Vehicle

Use of personal cellular phones and other electronic devices in the complex environment of a modern patrol vehicle is a growing problem, increasing the risk for injuries, fatalities, and liability resulting from crashes. Click below to access a course that addresses distracted driving challenges faced by first responders.