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Pedestrian Safety

Pedestrian safety is a growing public health concern with pedestrian fatalities at their highest rate in 30 years. On average, a pedestrian is killed every 84 minutes, which equates to 17 people a day. Drivers who are distracted, impaired, speeding, or don’t follow the rules of the road put pedestrians at risk. Pedestrians who do not pay attention to surrounding traffic or abide by traffic signals increase their risk for a pedestrian-vehicle collision. Staying alert and practicing defensive walking strategies can reduce these collisions and save lives.   

TREDwise: Get There Safely

This 60-minute course is designed to help pedestrians recognize dangerous traffic situations and employ strategies to stay safe.


This online course prepares instructors to deliver the curriculum. Access to course materials will be granted upon completion.

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TREDS offers live courses upon request. Submit a form to learn more.

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Course Topics

  • Dangers faced by pedestrians
  • Traffic rules for walking
  • Defense walking strategies 
  • Personal risk factors  

For more information

Please click the button below to submit your inquiry. You can also email or contact us at 1.858.534.8386 with your questions.

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