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Improving Older Driver Safety

Age-related driving impairment is a growing public safety problem. As people age, medical conditions affecting vision, hearing, strength, and cognition can impact one’s ability to drive safely. To address this problem, TREDS developed “Law Enforcement’s Role in Older Driver Safety.” This course is about roadside assessment of drivers and referrals to the DMV for licensing re-examination. It is specifically designed to help identify signs of driver disorientation that may be present in anyone stopped for driving irregularities. It is particularly applicable to aging drivers. Program content is available in two formats.

Topics Covered

  • Demographics and safety risks with aging
  • Medical conditions that can affect driving
  • Older driver traffic stops: observations and communication
  • Driver Orientation Screen for Cognitive Impairment (DOSCI)
  • DMV DS427 - Documentation of Suspected Impairment
  • Resources for older drivers and their families 

Online Courses

Law Enforcement’s Role in Older Driver Safety

This two-hour POST certified course is designed to help identify signs of driver disorientation and determine criteria for referrals to the DMV for licensing re-examination. It is particularly applicable to encounters with older road users.

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Identifying and Referring Cognitively Impaired Drivers

This is a 30-minute abbreviated version of “Law Enforcement’s Role in Older Driver Safety.” It includes a video demonstration of the Driver Orientation Screen for Cognitive Impairment (DOSCI) during a traffic contact. No POST credit offered.

Watch Now

Request a Course

TREDS offers live courses upon request. Submit a form to learn more.

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A nine question tool that enables officers to screen for cognitive impairment during roadside encounters. Also provides resources and contact information to assist in making referrals.

Driver Orientation Screen for Cognitive Impairment (DOSCI)

Identifying and Referring Cognitively Impaired Drivers

Cognitive Impairment Traffic Contact

Identifying and Referring Medically Impaired Drivers

For more information

Please click the button below to submit your inquiry. You can also email or contact us at 1.858.534.8386 with your questions.

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